Experience from over 25 years
Founded in 1994 in an attic in Dresden, the GICON® Group is today one of the most innovative engineering service providers in Germany. We have never lost sight of our main focus in over 25 years of company history: Services from one source for a resource-conserving interaction with our environment and for a sustainable future.

The year GICON® - Grossmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH (GICON®-Consult) was founded, the first company of the GICON® Group. Ten employees moved into their first offices at Tiergartenstrasse 48 in Dresden. The goal is clear from the very beginning: innovative and interdisciplinary engineering services from one source.

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary, the 1,000th order could be celebrated. A plant management software developed by GICON®-Consult itself is further developed under the name "CoCheck - ComplianceCheck". Twenty years later, about half of the asphalt mixing plants operated throughout Germany use the software.

The time is set for internationalization. With the first international research contract (2001) GICON®-Consult successfully continues its innovation strategy. The first planning contract abroad has already been carried out. (liquefied gas loading in Uchta, Russia, 2002). With more than 2500 orders and a research cooperation with the TU Dresden, the success story is continuing.

The areas of plant design and information technology are successively expanded. GICON®-Consult employs approx. 150 people, expands its network of branches in Germany and China and becomes involved with Rollimaus e. V., an association for the advancement of physically disabled and chronically ill children and young people in Dresden.

With the companies Dr. Kühner GmbH, GFE Consult, BISANTECH-NUOVA and BGD GmbH, the GICON® group is growing. The Cottbus Production and Service Center is inaugurated at the Cottbus office (2010) and the Energy Garden is commissioned for Harvest Power in Richmond, Canada. Both plants operate according to the innovative two-stage GICON® Biogas process. In 2013, the group receives the prestigious Hugo Junker Award for the foundation of the Central German Biosolar Center at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the further development of the GICON® Photobioreactor. The company starts the extensive repowering of the Klettwitz wind farm.

In the 25th year of the company's history, the world's first GICON® PBR Octagon is inaugurated in Cottbus. A total of around 400 employees work in the companies of the group. The development of the GICON® SOF has been massively advanced in the preceding years. Germany's first floating foundation for wind turbines becomes the market leader in TLP foundations as an environmental technology. It enters into a strategic partnership with the US engineering company Glosten for further development. Successful tests pave the way for market launch.