Coronavirus: GICON Group is prepared
Internal action plan guarantees the continuity of business activities
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the daily situation for people and companies in Europe has been altered. The whole of society is facing challenges that are currently not yet foreseeable. This also applies to the perpetuation of comprehensive business activities.
The GICON Group, as a group of companies active at over 12 locations throughout Germany with approx. 500 employees, stands for timely and high-quality work from a single source. Our engineers enable the execution of complex and large projects within the desired time and cost frames by means of an interdisciplinary approach.
In the course of the current intensified situation, the management of the GICON Group has formed a management team and implemented an internal catalogue of measures for the current handling of the pandemic at all locations. The plan is being adjusted every two days in close coordination with the health authorities of the respective regions.
In this way, the Group aims to ensure a smooth and continuous business readiness for all employees, clients and business partners.
Among other things, the catalogue of measures provides for employees from risk groups and with suspected illness to be able to work from home. We have created the prerequisites for being able to transfer a large part of the company to the home office if required. Due to the close network between the individual branches, upcoming, complex tasks are being distributed among several specialist groups. Physical contact between the branches is being avoided. With these measures, we can also ensure that your request will be processed, also in the course of a possible quarantine situation.
Until further notice, our employees will keep external appointments and meetings requiring personal presence to a minimum. Appointments for meetings will be implemented as far as possible as video conferences or via telephone.
For us, it is a matter of course that we observe the hygienic rules, such as washing hands, and refrain from shaking hands in the interest of our fellow human beings. We ask for your understanding for the latter.
If you have specific questions for the GICON Group regarding the handling of COVID-19, please contact our press office staff at any time:
T: +49 351 47878 7738
E: press[at]
To all our clients and partners we wish that we get through this critical time well together.
The GICON Management
GICON® International Training and Business Development GmbH is part of the GICON® Group, a group of companies of independently operating engineering service providers. Together, the companies employ approximately 500 people and draw on the expertise of several thousand projects in Germany and abroad.