The GICON® Group is Growing

The GICON® Group continues to grow: with immediate effect, NWgeoVerm Engineering GmbH from North Rhine-Westphalia is part of the group of companies. In the 30 years since its foundation, the company has built up expert knowledge in four fields: pipe surveying, industrial plant surveying, land management and special expertise (airborne laser scanning, drone surveying, hydrographic surveying, pipe and cable localization as well as database development). Today, 28 employees work for NWgeoVerm Engineering GmbH.
Following the joint signing of the contract, GICON® founder Prof. Jochen Grossmann as well as Wolfgang Weinhold and Sandra Neumann, who will remain with NWgeoVerm Engineering GmbH as managing directors, expressed their satisfaction with the agreement.
Prof. Grossmann: "I would like to thank Wolfgang Weinhold and Sandra Neumann for the very pleasant and professional cooperation. The integration of NWgeoVerm Engineering GmbH brings us forward enormously as a group of companies, both professionally and strategically. Professionally, because we can rely on highly qualified and experienced engineers, geomatics experts, construction technicians and specialist employees, which is a decisive advantage, especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers. And strategically, because we are sustainably strengthening our existing location in Erkelenz and expanding our presence in western Germany."
For Wolfgang Weinhold, who founded the company in 1993 under his former name of VIB Weinhold, the high quality of his own services, the satisfaction of his clients and an understanding of current and future technologies are the keys to entrepreneurial success. In all three points, he sees himself on the same wavelength as the management of the GICON® Group: "As the founder of the company, in addition to the long-term success of the business, the well-being of my employees is also close to my heart. As a team, they use all their knowledge and experience to solve the most complex tasks for the benefit of our clients. We have also found this company philosophy in the discussions with GICON®, which has led us to want to combine our strengths in the future. With the integration into the GICON® Group, we are taking the next step in the company's development, which not only offers added value for all colleagues, but also for our clients."
Among the clients of NWgeoVerm Engineering GmbH are well-known companies such as Wintershall, Tennet and RWE.