Biological methanisation with the GICON® trickle bed process

Since 2015, our engineers have been developing a process for biological methanation in the field of bioenergy research. The result is the GICON® trickle-bed process, which enables the provision of biomethane or bioCNG, long-term storage of renewable energy and, at the same time, a reduction in the CO2 footprint.
For whom is in biological methanisation relevant?
  • for companies that generate renewable energy from wind power or PV systems and want to convert their surplus energy into biogas.
  • for operators of biogas plants, sewage treatment plants, landfills and waste treatment plants who want to reduce CO2 emissions and generate energy at the same time.
  • for operators of biogas plants or renewable energy projects whose profitability is jeopardised by the expiry of EEG subsidies and who are looking for new sources of income.
  • for energy suppliers (gas, heat) who want to expand their product range to include renewable energies and reduce their GHG balance sheet emissions.
  • for companies that produce, distribute or want to use renewable fuels
  • for companies that are active in GHG certificate trading.
What are the advantages of biological methanisation for your company?
  • Resource utilisation:
    Biological methanisation increases the energy yield of wind power and PV systems. Biomass and waste materials are utilised more efficiently.
  • Energy supply:
    The existing local gas and heat supply can be almost doubled. Renewable energy does not have to be curtailed during peak loads and can be made available, stored and distributed. In addition to green gas, heat can also be provided.
  • Quality improvement:
    The energy density of biogas, landfill gas and sewage gas can be increased.
  • Integration option:
    An add-on to existing infrastructure, such as gas grids, CNG tractors and lorries is possible.
  • Economic viability:
    Additional sources of income from energy marketing and trading in greenhouse certificates will improve profitability. This applies in particular to plants that are affected by the expiry of EEG subsidisation.
  • Climate targets:
    By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, climate targets can be achieved, which also has a positive impact on the company's image.
What is the special thing about biological methanisation in the GICON® trickle bed process?

The GICON® trickle bed process is characterised by

  • excellent controllability of the process in line with the fluctuation of renewable energies
  • a high methane concentration of >95 vol-% and thus high energy density
  • the possibility of heat extraction
  • the tolerance to impurities in the feedstock
  • the very low energy requirement
  • high process stability
  • and low technological and labour costs.


What happens in biological methanisation?

Biological methanisation (also known as microbial methanisation or biomethane synthesis) is a reaction of hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane. The conversion is carried out by methanogenic archaea. These anaerobic microorganisms are known to be used in biogas and sewage treatment plants. By-products are water and process heat. The demands on the biochemical boundary conditions are comparatively low. The required temperatures are in the range of 53-57°C or 65°C. Operation can take place at a few 40 mbar to 25 bar overpressure. A prerequisite for microbial metabolism is the presence of the required micro and macro elements as nutrients. The use of biofilms is advantageous and stabilises the process.

What does the GICON® trickle bed process cost?

The costs are directly related to the site-specific boundary conditions.

The main influencing factors are the supply costs of the electricity or the hydrogen as a raw material. These (operating) costs represent approx. 72 percent of the total costs. On the other hand, there are revenues from the sale of gas and heat, as well as from CO2 certificate trading.

Site-specific boundary conditions and local price structures can be taken into account as part of a feasibility study. The gas production costs and the return on investment can also be demonstrated for your location by GICON®.

Contact us for more information:

Dr. Marko Burkhardt
T: +49 355 494967 15
E: m.burkhardt(at)

Engineering the Future

The creation of innovations has been an essential core of our corporate philosophy since the foundation of GICON®. On the one hand, this applies to our own core business - engineering and consulting - in which we offer our clients unique added value, for example through novel exploration techniques, analysis and evaluation methods, and special software developed in-house. Our focus in technology development is in the area of renewable energies and the sustainable use of resources.